Solution Manual Gali Monetary Inflation
Gali Monetary Policy
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Breaking News May 17. 90% passed, which I think is exceptionally good! You did very, very well!!! January 24 A clarification to the solution set to the 2012 exam: Page 7, 4th to last line reads 'thereby increasing the real interest rate, demand, output gap'. This is an incomplete sentence, which should read 'thereby increasing the real interest rate, dampening demand, output gap' (as the previous is about how the policy rule dampens the expansionary effect on demand, output gap and inflation of the shock to the natural rate of interest). January 17 There is a typo in the solution set to the 2012 exam: Page 6: In the numerator of the identified coefficient A, kappa should be the inverse kappa.
Gali Monetary
This mistake is brought onto the next page where the solution for the output gap is written.