Good Answers Guide English
A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate and more advanced learners of English. Covering all areas of language which students at this level find difficult, this substantially revised and updated book retains the clarity, simplicity and accessibility of the first edition, adding to it new and redesigned units and appendices, modified right-hand page exercis A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate and more advanced learners of English. Covering all areas of language which students at this level find difficult, this substantially revised and updated book retains the clarity, simplicity and accessibility of the first edition, adding to it new and redesigned units and appendices, modified right-hand page exercises and additional exercises. Easy to use: 136 two-page units combine clear, accurate language presentation on left-hand pages with thorough, varied practice on facing pages.
New additional exercises offer further practice of grammar points from different groups of units. Designed for self-study: learners choose and study problematic areas with the help of a new study guide. Key section contains answers to all exercises and the study guide. Appendices deal with irregular verbs, tense formation, modals, spelling, short forms and American English.'
هذا الكتاب من أشهر كتب القرامر ولا يحتاج كثير من التقديم. ولكن لمن لم يسمع به من قبل فهذا مرجع بسيط مصمم لتدرسه بنفسك من دون الحاجة إلى معلم يتكون من 145 وحدة شاملة لأغلب قواعد الانجليزية كل وحدة تتكون من صفحتين متقابلتين واحدة للشرح وأخرى للتمارين ' التمارين الكثيرة والمنوعة أهم ميزة لهذا الكتاب ' وهو مخصص لمن هم في المستوى المتوسط أو دون المتوسط pre-intermediate/intermediate أما أصحاب المستوى المتقدم فأنصحهم بهذا الكتاب هذا الكتاب من أشهر كتب القرامر ولا يحتاج كثير من التقديم.
ولكن لمن لم يسمع به من قبل فهذا مرجع بسيط مصمم لتدرسه بنفسك من دون الحاجة إلى معلم يتكون من 145 وحدة شاملة لأغلب قواعد الانجليزية كل وحدة تتكون من صفحتين متقابلتين واحدة للشرح وأخرى للتمارين ' التمارين الكثيرة والمنوعة أهم ميزة لهذا الكتاب ' وهو مخصص لمن هم في المستوى المتوسط أو دون المتوسط pre-intermediate/intermediate أما أصحاب المستوى المتقدم فأنصحهم بهذا الكتاب وهو من نفس سلسلة In-Use books همسة: تعلم القرامر أمر مهم ولكن الأهم منه كثرة التمرين والممارسة. The order of the grammar points presented were not what I would consider the most ideal order. Also, a few items (especially conditionals) were not explained in away that would be intuitive to someone learning this for the first time. Despite these flaws, the book did have a lot of explanations that could help people understand some of the finer points of different grammar patterns. Even the conditionals sections had some explanations of different aspects that could help clarify or reinforce the The order of the grammar points presented were not what I would consider the most ideal order.
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Also, a few items (especially conditionals) were not explained in away that would be intuitive to someone learning this for the first time. Despite these flaws, the book did have a lot of explanations that could help people understand some of the finer points of different grammar patterns. Even the conditionals sections had some explanations of different aspects that could help clarify or reinforce the grammar point to students who already have a fairly solid understanding of conditionals. I really like the explanation of 'adjectives + prepositions' and 'verbs + prepositions' at the end. They were lots of pages with lists of common preposition patterns and explanations to the meaning of these phrases. I think that this would especially helpful to Korean students since the wide variety of prepositions is not found in their language, and the average Korean learning English is prone to overlook the word when producing a sentence. A lot of the practice problems were focus on accuracy with most of the activities being finishing the sentence with the correct pattern discussed on the previous page.
There were a few activities that had the students describing a picture of situation with the correct grammar. I feel this is a much better form of practice (with a certain answer that can be found in the answer key) since it forces the student to learn to place the grammar pattern onto an appropriate situation. There were lots of things that I was able to take away from this book and actually start using in my classroom right away. It will definitely be a book that I keep on hand when I need for information to explain a concept to my students.
Job Interview Question & Answers for freshers - Free English Lessons. Blog: Website: Facebook: youtube: Straight out of college and looking for a job or probably you already have an interview lined up. Here are few tips for freshers that will help to ace the job interview.You have completed your education and heading towards a new phase of life and you really don't want to goof up. So let's look at some tips to answer the most common questions asked to a fresher in a job interview. 1) Tell me about yourself. Remember the person asking you about yourself is not someone you met in a coffee shop,if all goes well he or she will be your boss or your employer.
So answers like 'I love being on Facebook all day long' or 'I changed 3 girlfriends in my four years of college' will not be the right thing to say. The things that you need to mention is your education background,some information about your parents or your siblings but you need not get into detail.Also you can talk about the things you like to do in your free time or something about your personality traits. 2) Why should we hire you?
The purpose of this question is to see if you are really interested in taking up this job or you are here just because you are jobless or probably you want to make some quick money to buy a new smart phone. Relate the job requirements to your candidature and explain why your are a suitable candidate for this job.A company would like to hire you only if you can add some value to the organisation.
So focus on your skills and how helpful can it be for what you are being interviewed. Talk about your abilities such as you grasp new things quickly or you have a very flexible attitude. These are some qualities that a organisation looks forward for in a fresh graduate. 3) Talk about your strengths: You need to prepare for this one way in advance before an interview. List all your strengths in a notepad and try to find ways to back those traits.
For example ' I have always submitted all my projects and assignments before the deadline date'. This speaks about you being punctual. Another example:I was leading a team for a big college presentation' so this speaks about your leadership qualities. Don't boast about how goo you are but do tell the facts and do't lie. 4) Are you planning for future studies?
One should answer this question very tactfully. The company wants to know if you are here for good or you will just make use of their training resources and say goodbye to them. SO if you are pursuing further studies make sure you mention it and give a reason to it. Also if you are taking distance education or part time courses its important for you to mention it as you will need to take leaves for exams.
5) What do you know about our company: Don't just wake up in the morning get dressed and go for the interview. This question is one reason to do some research about the company. Use the search tools on the internet or go through the website, see and understand what the company is into, what are their products or who are their clients and so on.
Don't end up asking silly question like are you good pay masters or who are your competitors etc. Always practice your answers with full confidence, good enthusiastic tone and maintain a good body language. Make sure you give assurance to the company that you are here to build a long term relationship with the organisation and add value to it.