Quantum Xts 50 Manual

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  1. Quantum Xts 50 Manual

. 7482 Answers SOURCE: Sounds like you will need to clean your carburetor. Sometimes you can get by with priming it a few times, and letting it run a few times like that and it will flush the gunk out of the jets, but most of the time you will need to rebuild the carburetor. If the mower is over a couple years old, then I also recommend that you buy and install a new carburetor repair kit, because the diaphragm will get hard and that will cause it to be hard to crank. When you clean your carburetor and remove the jet screws, count the number of turns it takes to seat the jets from their original position.

That way when you go to put the jets back in, you know how many turns they were in/out. Please rate me, Thanks Good Luck, I hope this helped Posted on May 15, 2010.

3740 Answers SOURCE: Hi and welcome to FixYa, I am Kelly. There are 7 different versions of this engine. I need to know which one you have by model number. Model number examples are listed below: 12V802-1776-B1 12V802-1733-A1 12V802-0109-01 Without that information it is difficult to help you. What I will say is usually a dirty air cleaner makes an engine runs rich. (Too much gas) However.

Speaking in generic terms on must Briggs and Stratton engines there is a single fuel air mixture jet screw on the side of the carburetor body. To reduce the amount of fuel being used you turn the screw clockwise. (screw in) You should not have to turn the screw more than 1/8 turn to get the correct fuel mixture. If you have to turn it more than 1/8 turn first suspect the air filter and last would be a problem with the float level or float needle. I can provide manuals for float needle and float level repairs if you respond with an engine model number. Thanks for choosing FixYa, Kelly Posted on May 19, 2011.

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Quantum Xts 50 Manual

Quantum Xts 50 ManualQuantum xts 50 service manual

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