Mulligan Manual Therapy Nags Snags Prps

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A must-have for physiotherapists, this book explores the manual therapy techniques used in the Mulligan Concept, developed by the world renowned Brian Mulligan. Brian Mulligan details his manual therapy techniques for the spine and extremities; this sixth edition also introduces the latest mobilizations for the shoulder girdle, intended to significantly reduce joint pain and increase movement. The Mulligan Concept utilizes NAGS (Natural Apophyseal Glides), SNAGS (Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides) and MWMS (Mobilisations with Movement) to treat a myriad of musculoskeletal conditions. Written by one of the world's foremost experts of manual therapy, Brian Mulligan. Softcover, 132 pages. Table of Contents: PART ONE I.

Spinal Mobilizations. The Cervical and upper thoracic spines 1. 'REVERSE NAGS' 3. 'SELF SNAGS' 5. Spinal mobilisations with arm movement 6.

'MWMS' for the cervical and upper thoracic spines B. The upper cervical spine-special therapies 1. Vertigo, nausea and other 'vertebral artery' signs C. The lumbar spine 1. 'SELF SNAGS' D.

The sacro iliac joints E. The thoracic spine F. The rib cage G.

Manual therapy nags snags mwms

Conclusion II. Other spinal therapies PART TWO The extremities. Mobilisations with movement PART THREE The extremities-A pot pourri A. Pain release phenomenon techniques 'PRPS' B. Other extremity therapies.

When refering to evidence in academic writing, you should always try to reference the primary (original) source. That is usually the journal article where the information was first stated. In most cases Physiopedia articles are a secondary source and so should not be used as references. Physiopedia articles are best used to find the original sources of information (see the references list at the bottom of the article). If you believe that this Physiopedia article is the primary source for the information you are refering to, you can use the button below to access a related citation statement. As stated by Brian Mulligan in his textbook 'PRPs began for me when I started using compressions in treatment regimes after reading the excellent article of G D Maitland's 'The Hypothesis of Adding Compression when examining and treating synovial joints' in 1981. As stated in Maitland's Article, when assessing extremity joints you should try a compression test to see if this produces pain.

To do this,the joint is placed in a biomechanical resting position where all the structures surrounding it are maximally relaxed. Stabilise the proximal facet with one hand and apply a compressive force on the joint using the other.

Manual therapy nags snags

Manual Therapy Nags Snags

While maintaining the compression, a series of joint movements is tried to see if they produce pain. The movements can be either physiological (Flexion, abduction,etc) or accessory (glides). By chance I discovered that if I applied an acceptable pain producing compression force with movement for 20 seconds the pain would often disappear or would be significantly reduced.' Indications and Contraindications. Procedure. The technique which provokes pain is selected; and the pain provoked should settle down within 15-20 seconds (for smaller joints) and 25-30 seconds (for larger joints). The range at which 'THE' pain starts is evaluated.

Therapist maintains pressure at P1 for 15- 20 seconds. If pain reduces within 15 -20 seconds, start new PRP in new available range with increased force. If pain doesn't reduce within 15-20 seconds,it implies that pressure being applied is too high. Hence the pressure should be reduced to a level so that provoked pain gets reduced within 20 seconds.

If pain reduces before 10 seconds, it implies that pressure being applied is too low. Hence the pressure should be increased to a level so that provoked pain gets reduced within 15 - 20 seconds and not before 10 seconds.

Manual Therapy Nags Snags Mwms

In addition to applied pressure, Physiological movement or accessory movement may be added along with the selected PRPs. Continue to perform PRPs until a substantial amount of pain relief is achieved during a session. Compression PRPs.

This can be applied for:. Metatarso-phalengeal Joint. Sesamoids. Metatarso-cuboid joint.

Mulligan Manual Therapy Nags Snags Prps

Trapezium-1st Metacarpal joint. Pisiform-triquetrum Joint. Patello- femoral Joint. Cervical Spine Muscular Contraction / Stretch PRPs. Extensor longus hallucis tendonitis. Hip Pain. De Quervain's tenosynovitis.

Tennis elbow. Golfer's elbow.

Chronic Painful shoulder. Acute wry neck References. ↑ Manual Therapy NAGS,SNAGS,MWMS etc.Brian R Mulligan.

Sixth Edition.2010. The Hypothesis of Adding Compression When Examining and Treating Synovial Joints.G. MAITLAND,I AUA, FCSP, FACP, SASP, MTAA. Manual of Mulligan Concept; Dr.Deepak Kumar, Brian R.Mulligan. First edition: 2014.