John Deere L 100 Pulley Replacement Guide
Published on March 9th, 2015 by Turner Anderson 27 Why am I Breaking So Many Belts on My Mower? A very common question out there is, “Why am I replacing belts every year?” First you should not be having to replace belts every year or more in one year. Below are some tips on things to look for before replacing that third belt this season. Common Problems. The most common problem with deck belts is excessive grass clipping on the deck.
Grass clipping can work there way under pulleys and deck covers which can lead to more serious problems. Make sure to clean off your deck after every use following the manufacturers recommendations. Here a big problem that is missed a lot. You know that guard around that pulley that makes it a pain to take off the belt every time! Well that guard is very essential in keeping the belt in place. Missing belt guards will cause the belt to fly off.
Last but not least pulleys can cause big problems. Check pulleys for wear and worn out bearings. If in doubt replace the pulley.
Always remember to shut the unit off before attempting any maintenance on the unit. This brings us into the other problem 'broken belts'. Jacks receives many calls each day for replacement belts issues, when a customer tells us this belt is the second one this season being replaced this sends up flags.
The biggest issue here is bad pulleys. Check the belt for uneven wear or excessive wear.
A pulley rides on bearings that allows it to spin freely. When that pulley does not spin freely friction starts between the pulley and the belt.
John Deere L 100 Riding Mower
You guessed it, another broken belt. Remember belts do wear out but if you are replacing the same belt more than you should than fix the problem not the symptom. Featured Parts and Products:. Tags. We have had our Troy-bilt TB42 for 2 years now.
Since having purchased it in 2015 we have an average belt of once (maybe twice per year as we have a large yard). This mowing season alone we have replaced the belt 5 times, three of which have been in the past week. We went to Lowe’s last night and picked up, yet another new belt. Put it on today, I started to mow, short grass I just mowed last week, as I didn’t want it to get too tall or have the possibility that it would flood again (we live in Missouri, and no we have not been cutting tall grass with the mower, we do that with our farm tractor or a push mower and then go over it with the riding mower.). We have taken the deck off of the lawn tractor once but I’m afraid that I am going to have to replace all the deck pullies as the belts show MASSIVE signs of UNEVEN wear.
Any idea as to what is causing this? Goldwing electrical troubleshooting manual. Were either of you able to find out anything concerning your own issues with your Troy-bilt’s belt issues? It’s just too expensive to pay $40 every time I have to cut the grass I mowed today for a WHOPPING 20 minutes before the belt would no longer stay on the deck.I can’t keep doing this, it’s illogical and expensive.
John Deere L100 Manual
Cube cadet / MTD mowers all the same has an issue with there pulleys not lining up and they know that, they haven’t addressed the issue or tried to fix the problem and we just keep on buying them. I had to use washers to line up my pulleys on my cub cadet after that I had no more problems. Longer the gape between each pulley the more play and vibration you get in the belt causing it to break down. Closer the pulleys less vibration you have in the belt. What I did was I just added an extra pulley in the longer spaces which tightens up the belt causing less break down in the belt and also reduces the vibration in the belt.
This is only partly related: A little over a month ago my Craftsman 917.203830 T2400 stopped moving, so I sent it to a shop. They said the transaxle drive belt had slipped, broken the transaxle fan, etc. And replaced the parts for almost $300.
Last weekend it happened again. They said the same thing happened and wanted to do the same repair.
I said no, because I can replace the parts myself for $60 or so. The main question is, why is this happening? I’m not going to replace these two parts every month.
Anyone have any idea why the belt would slip, break, and break the fan on one of these repeatedly? Hi all, some good tips are already posted here, but i would like to add one more solution to tearing up belts. Look under, at the pulley attached to the motor itselfit could be there. I checked mine after going through belts continuously and found that, that pulley was the problem. I undone the engine mount bolts and placed washers (spacers) between the engine and the chassis to make the pulley line up when ALL belts were in the WORKING positionI havent changed the belts on anything for over 18 months now. Even though these pressed tin ride on mowers are from a factory somewhere, the chassis could be just a little twisted after assembly Hope this is of some help to your problems, doing this certainly fixed mine.