Beauty Salon Policy And Procedure Manual
In this post I look at:. Why a salon employee handbook is an HR life-saver. How to make it into a page turner your team want to read. What it areas it should cover. Where to get a hair & beauty industry-specific handbook 1. Why your salon staff handbook is an HR life-saver Here are 3 reasons why your hair or beauty business needs a handbook: 1 It’s how we do it here Think of your staff handbook as to help you communication clearly, manage your team’s expectations and shape salon culture.
It’s a road-map setting out expected behaviour, attitudes and standards. The ultimate guide on “How we do things here” and the perfect place to cover potentially tricky topics such as:. Mobile phone and. Dress code. Acceptable behaviour standards in salon. Attendance 2 Let new employees know what you expect of them Whilst we all understand the importance of a new staff induction process running a busy salon often means it’s a process which gets rushed, or worse, overlooked.
A salon staff handbook is the cornerstone of a good induction procedure, receive the same consistent information about your salon ‘rules’, culture and expectations from day one. 3 A salon handbook can reduce employee disputes Are many of the day-to-day disagreements and team grumbles caused by a misunderstanding of what is accepted practice within your salon, or what the Law permits? A staff handbook lets you spell out both your salon procedures and the Law, reducing the room for any misunderstanding (deliberate or otherwise). It also helps you stay the right side of the Law to have clear written guidance on areas such as:. Maternity & paternity leave. Your salon disciplinary process. Flexible working policy.
Ending employment. Sick leave and sick pay. Holidays Not only are written guidelines invaluable when you’re faced with argumentative employees, they can also help to keep you away from employment tribunals. Need I say more?
But no-one reads our employee handbook If your team need some persuading to read your shiny new Handbook, take heart, you’re not alone. A recent revealed: How to make your staff handbook a page turner If your team yawn at the very mention of your employee handbook then you need to get creative. I have used both of these ideas successfully with salon teams to get them turning those pages: 1 Bring your handbook to life Of course employment is a serious topic. But that doesn’t mean your handbook has to be tedious, lacklustre and dull. Add some fun. Bring your salon culture to life.
For starters why not call it something else? That’s right. Give it a new upbeat name, look and feel. Do try this at home Zappos is renowned for its customer service and inspirational team culture. Their employee handbook is written and designed like a comic book. Serious points are made, but in a more fun and impactful way. The company also creates an annual yearbook, to complement its employee handbook.
“The culture book is a collage of unedited submissions from employees within the Zappos Family sharing what the Zappos culture means to them. A new version is created each year and it reflects the true feelings, thoughts and opinions of the employees.” I think this is a nifty idea which you could easily copy for your team to reinforce your employee handbook and salon culture. It doesn’t have to be a book – you could create a vibrant collage on a pin-board in your team room.
Run a team session where everyone brings a photo torn from a magazine, a quote that sums up your salon culture or a picture they have created. You get the idea. 2 Sell your employee benefits Staff handbooks have a reputation for being negative. An endless list of don’ts. This doesn’t make for enticing reading, especially if the print is small and dense. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Add plenty of “What’s in it for me” for your team.
Make the first page or two full of information about employee benefits and perks. I recently helped a beauty spa owner thrash out all the expectations and “rules” she had for her team. When we’d finished I suggested she return the compliment by using the handbook to tell her staff what they could expect from her. Promote your perks. Make it something your team want to read. What my salon staff handbook should cover? I recommend an excellent hair and beauty industry-specific handbook later in this blog, so you may just want to skip to that.
If you’re using your lawyer or employment consultant to draw up a salon handbook for you then just ensure they are familiar with our industry. You don’t want a staff handbook based on a template for an office worker sitting at a desk all day.
So think through the various scenarios before going to meet your lawyer. What areas to include in your salon staff handbook Here’s my checklist of some of the areas and expectations you may want to cover (it’s by no means exhaustive and do please take legal advice).
Some Topics Covered. EEO Statement. Employee Performance. Hiring, Orientation & Training Procedures.
Department Procedures. Drug Testing. Paydays& Payroll.
Overtime Policy. Shift exchange and time off requests. Performance Evaluations. Uniforms/ Appearance Standards.
Insurance beneifits. Employee Discounts. Workers Compensation information(step by step instructions). Ethics. Safety. Guest identity confidentiality.
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Lockers. Breakroom policies. Training/proficiency testing. Supplies.
Employer Communications.This Manual has 52 Pages. Over 55 categories and Topic are covered in the Employee Handbook.
Sample PAY AND BENEFITS (We have highlighted areas for you to change which will adapt this to YOUR Spa. We have provided you with simple language and the topics that SPAS usually include in this section for which you can add or remove to fit your spa specific guidelines.) Pay Introduction YOUR Spa Name strives to achieve fair and competitive compensation for each employee. During the year, wage/benefit surveys are conducted to gather data throughout the Spa industry and our surrounding community.
Based upon these surveys, our wage structure may be updated and reviewed from time to time. A rate of pay is established for each position. Periodic adjustments to wages may be considered. Work Schedules Each individual’s work schedule depends upon the assigned position and the assigned shift.
If you have questions about work schedules, please ask you immediate supervisor. The posted schedule must be checked daily for any changes made due to business fluctuations or exceptional circumstances. Please keep in mind that various factors, such as workloads, operational efficiency and staffing needs may require variations in an employee starting and quitting times and total hours worked each day or each week.
The Spa reserves the right to assign employees to jobs other that their usual assignments when required. In addition, employees may be required to work overtime or hours other than those normally scheduled as necessary.
Your Paycheck In addition to your normal hourly rate, or salary, there are a variety of other types of direct pay including: tips, commissions, bonuses, incentive pay, etc., and direct compensation, including taxes and insurance paid by YOUR Spa Name for you. Currently, each workweek begins on Monday morning at 12:01am and ends Sunday night at 12:00 midnight. However, the workweek is subject to change at the discretion of YOUR Spa. If such a change should occur you will be notified in advance. If you knowingly and willingly retain an overpayment on your paycheck you may be subject to termination.
Payday/Pay periods Your payroll check is available on payday. If it is necessary for someone to pick up your check, please provide them with a signed note authorizing them to do so. The pay period is from Sunday to Saturday for a two-week period.
Monies earned during that period will be paid on the Friday of the week following the completed pay period. Time Records Each employee must sign/clock in at the beginning of each shift and out at the end of each shift, as well as for every meal period. Times recorded must be actual time worked. Time sheets must be completed in ink and no employee can sign/clock in or out for another employee.
Failure to sign/clock in or out may result in disciplinary action. Any employee falsifying a Spa time record may be subject to immediate termination. Here are some guidelines for signing/clocking in and out: - Beginning of scheduled shift – Sign or clock IN.
Meal period – You must sign/clock OUT when you leave your work station for your 30 minute meal break and sign/clock IN when you return to your work station. End of shift – Each employee must sign/clock OUT at the end of each scheduled work shift. All hours worked in excess of any scheduled shift must have prior approval by management. At no time an employee is to leave the Spa without signing/clocking out unless it is work related and approved by management. Reporting Income from Tips In compliance with federal law, if you receive tips of $20.00 or more per month you must report them to your employer as often as required by the employer.
This tip income is fully taxable for Social Security, Medicare, Federal, State and Local taxes. IRS form 4070 may be obtained from the management office. Should you apply for credit or mortgage, tips not reported to payroll cannot be verified to creditors. Deduction from wages Certain deductions required by law will be made from your wages. These include state and federal income taxes, social security taxes (FICA), and state disability insurance (SDI) payments. Deductions will also be made for health insurance premiums for employee and family members if you request such deductions.
BENEFITS (We have included a list of benefits with explanations. We have tried to give you the most common benefits offered in addition to some non ordinary but very nice benefits provided for employees. Remember that benefits are a part of what keeps the employer competitive in attracting highly qualified employees and reducing turnover.
Sample Policy And Procedure Manual
Please read carefully and use the following information to list the benefits you provide your employees. Under the section Paid Benefits please verify with your local wage/hour guidelines to ensure that the recommendations apply to your geographical location. In most instances, vacation, sick and holiday pay are not mandated by law, however, if they are offered, how they are managed, accrued and paid is mandated by law.) Vacation Your Spa has established a vacation plan for the benefit of its eligible full-time employees. The vacation plan is designed to provide eligible employees who have completed at least six continuous months of service a period of rest and relaxation away from work without loss of pay or benefits. Part-time employees, employees who have not completed at least six continuous months of service, temporay employees, and seasonal employees are entirely ineligible to participate in the vacation plan or to earn any vacation pay. The amount of an employee’s vacation will depend on how long he has worked in a full-time status, and on whether the employee is an hourly or an exempt employee.
The benefit schedules are described below. Hourly Employees: Hourly employees do not begin to earn or accrue any vacation pay until they complete six continuous months of employment. Upon completion of six continuous months of service, full-time employees will earn benefits based on the following table: Length of Service Working Days of Vacation 0-6 months 0 days 7-12 months.83 days per month after 6 months = Five (5) days During years 2 through 5.83 day per month after 1 year = Ten (10) days Employees will receive credit for a month if they work any portion of the month. However, employees do not earn vacation pay until after they complete six (6) continuous months of service. If an employee’s employment terminates before completing the six (6) continuous months of service the employee will not have earned and will not be entitled to receive any vacation pay whatsoever. Your immediate supervisor and/or manager must approve your vacation time before vacation benefits can be granted. To help us assure that your responsibilities are covered while you are away, you must request your vacation time in writing at least four (4) weeks before the day you wish to leave or start vacation.
While we make every effort to give you a choice of your vacation time, Spa guests and the Spa needs must come first. We encourage you to use your accrued vacation. Employees are encouraged to use benefits in the year in which they are accrue to avoid reaching the ceiling on benefits. Once employees reach a cap of twenty (20) days, they will cease accruing vacation benefits. If they use up sufficient vacation benefits to fall below the benefit cap, they will resume accruing benefits beginning with the following month. Holidays Your Spa recognizes the importance of leisure time in advancing greater productivity. All regular full-time employees who have completed their probationary period will receive eight (8) hours in benefits at their normal hourly rate for the following six (6) holidays, subject to the restrictions described below.
New Year’s Day January 1 Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Thanksgiving Fourth Thursday in November Christmas Day December 25 Sick days Your Spa is particularly sensitive to employee needs in medical and emergency situations. All full-time employees are eligible for four (4) non-accrued sick days after each complete year of service.
Employees are eligible to earn four (4) non-accrued paid family sick days per calendar year. These days can be used for the employee or illness within your immediate family (children, spouse and significant other). Unused sick leave benefits do not accumulate from year to year and under no circumstances is pay given for any unused sick days. Please make sure that if you are unable to report to work due to an illness, you must follow the guidelines for calling in that appear on the attendance policy on page of this handbook. Leave of Absence Your Spa realizes that employees may experience special circumstances such as medical, personal, or civic necessity which require a leave of absence.
Any excused absence of more that five consecutive days, with the exception of approved vacation, requires a written request for leave of absence. Leave of Absence is time off without pay for an extended period according to the applicable state & federal laws. For information regarding eligibility for the following types of leave, please consult the Spa management team: Family and Medical Leave Pregnancy Disability Leave Personal Leave Requests for Leave of Absence should be submitted to the Spa Director’s office and must be approved in advance by the Spa Director. Certain employee benefits will be affected during approved leaves. These will be discussed with you prior to the requested leave. The stipulations for Leave of Absence apply as specified on the written request form. Vacation time, holidays, and sick time do not accrue during leaves.
Any employee who fails to return to work form a Leave of Absence on the scheduled date of return without notifying the Spa Director in advance will be considered a voluntary resignation. Other Benefits Employee Discounts Retail merchandise: All YOUR Spa employees are offered a 35% discount on all regularly priced retail merchandise sold in our Spa. Spa treatments: All YOUR spa employees are offered a 35% discount on all treatments. To enjoy this benefit please refer to the guidelines offered on page of this handbook. Family Spa Discount: Employees’ immediate family (parents, spouse, children) are eligible for a 35% discount on all retail merchandise and spa treatments.
To enjoy this benefit please refer to the guidelines offered on page of this handbook and provide your family with the appropriate information. Training & Development Training: YOUR Spa is committed to providing a consistent level of service to our customers at all times. We encourage each employee to be the best and we are committed to assisting in professional development. Training and career development ensures each employee is better equipped to serve our customers.
Through the year, training is conducted and may include customer service training, telephone courtesy training, treatment protocols training and job skills training. During the probationary period, each employee is required to complete training associated to their specific job duties. Your immediate supervisor will coordinate your training classes/sessions with you and will provide you with feedback to assure you that you complete all training successfully and can perform your job duties according to YOUR Spa policies and standard operational procedures. Promotions: YOUR Spa believes in promoting from within whenever possible, depending on job related qualifications. The Spa management office will post current job openings on the Employee communication board. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact your immediate supervisor (or Spa Director) to discuss qualifications for the open position. Employees selected for the new position are transferred at the regular rate of pay for the position and are subject to YOUR Spa probationary period for performance evaluation purposes.
Original hire dates are maintained for benefit purposes.