Lyman Reloading Guide

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The first thing that you need when getting into the reloading hobby is a good reloading manual. There are several good reloading handbooks that are on the market today.

They are updated every couple of years to account for new cartridges and reloading components. Not only will these books teach you how to reload they are an important reference for load data. Choose a manual that has a wide range of reloading data for all calibers and bullet types.

You will eventually find the need to acquire a few extra reloading manuals to fill voids caused by missing components. Which is The Best Reloading Manual? Lyman reloading manuals are one of the most popular reloading manuals for the beginning reloader. This book is filled with excellent basic how to reloading information for the beginning reloader. There are very few places that you will find better reloading instructions. This book will walk you through everything you need to learn about reloading.

From the basics of setting up your dies to the more difficult topics like choosing the correct powder this book has it all. Since this book was designed to be used by both the absolute beginning reloader and advanced reloader all reloading lingo is explained and most topics are covered. Lyman has one of the best sections available on load data. Lyman test fires their loads in a lab so that they have the most accurate load data. Lyman even lists all their pressures that they achieved at the minimum and maximum recommended powder amount. This is very useful when working up loads that lean towards the outside parameters.

Lyman also lists all of their components used in their tests. If you want to get into casting your own bullets this is the reloading manual to purchase.

Lyman reloading data 45-70

This manual includes a ton of information on lead cast bullets. The Lyman manual has information on all of the cast bullet molds that they sell. The overall breadth of information this book covers is impressive. The Lyman Reloading Handbook might now teach you everything that you need to know, but it teaches you enough to find the remaining information on your own. The reloading manual Modern Reloading was written by Richard Lee. Richard Lee is the same man who started the company behind Lee Reloading Equipment.

The biggest issue I have with this book is that it feels like a continuous sales pitch about Lee products. If you ignore the blatant bias there is a lot of excellent information. Even if you’re the most advanced reloader you will learn something new from this book. Out of all the reloading manuals Lee’s book has one of the most thorough how to sections. Though a lot of this section is self promotion of Lee products most of the information can be applied to all reloading equipment. There is also some insight in this chapter that I haven’t seen mentioned in other books. One of the more interesting topics discussed in this book is the varying degrees brass preparation affects future accuracy.

There is also a decent section dedicated to bullet casting. The biggest area that this book is lacking is in their load data section. Lee collects various load data from all of the different powder manufacturers. There is very little detail about what type of bullets were used and other metrics important to experienced reloaders. This is a direct contrast to the many of the other manuals who actually test different powders and components to set accurate data. The load data section covers 167 cartridges with over 28 thousand different loads. There are a few notable cartridges missing but that’s why you need more than one reloading manual.

My biggest issue with the beginner reloader purchasing this book is that it requires you to recognize pressure signs in your bullets. Most people just don’t have the experience to quickly see signs of pressure. The Hornady Handbook reloading manual is an often overlooked reloading manual. The Hornady manual as the name suggests primarily focuses on load data for their own bullets.

Lyman Reloading Guide Download

This book is divided into two sections the theory of reloading and a compilation of load data. The section on the theory behind reloading is a decent mix of information. Some of this information is more advanced than practically useful while others is made for a complete beginner. My biggest complaint with the 10th edition of this book, is that there doesn’t seem to have been any updates to this portion of the book since the 70’s The load data portion of this serves one major purpose and that is to push Hornady bullets.

If you typically reload using Hornady components than this is the book for you. This book covers most of the bullets that they sell with a host of different powders.

Husqvarna scandinavia 400 price. Each new addition adds more to their index of load data. This book doesn’t offer a lot of information on expected pressures and accuracy of various loads. Where this book excels is their information on expected velocities. This is of course only for information relating to Hornady’s bullets.

Lyman Reloading Guide

The Speer reloading manual is another component specific reloading manual. If you purchase speer components than this is the manual you need to purchase.

It is hard to recommend this manual to anyone that doesn’t reload using Speer components. If you do use Speer components this manual will give you a decent amount of load data. The beginner info section of this reloading manual is pretty good but I wouldn’t recommend this book for the absolute beginner. Most of the information found in the how to section will also be found in the other books I’ve recommended. A beginner reloader would be much better purchasing the Lyman reloading manual. Like all reloading books Speer has some components that you can’t find in the other books. That’s why it is important to have multiple books so that you have all the load data you need.

The Sierra Reloading Manual is another component specific reloading manual. If you shoot Sierra bullets than you should buy this Manual. This book includes an extensive section on a wide variety of calibers. I don’t like that this book is typically sold in a binder because I’ve had issues where my most used pages have ripped out. The only real advantage to this system is I can add notes directly into the book without affecting my pages. The How to section of this book is very similar to all the others.

The only reason anyone should really buy this book is if they load a lot of Sierra Bullets. There is an extensive selection of calibers covered in this book and various load data. I would definitely recommend this book as supplemental information to one of the other reloading manuals.

The Nosler Reloading Guide is a book that I don’t have a lot of experience with. I only recently purchased this book while a local gun store was having a going out of business sale. My first impressions of this book are favorable and it has a lot of good information. The Nosler reloading manual explains the reasons why you should choose a certain bullet.

The best part about the Nosler Reloading Guide is their sections on load data. I would definitely recommend this book if you use Nosler’s bullets. Even if you don’t you’re sure to get some information from their comprehensive list of powders. I also love that they include a section on the most accurate powder and most accurate load. I have tried a lot of these recommendations and they are generally very accurate. Nosler also includes a large section on energy charts and ballistics tables. What is the Function of a Reloading Manual There are two primary functions that manuals fill.

Reloading manuals provide the basic steps of metallic cartridge reloading. A reloading manual combined with instructional videos will provide anyone with patience and time a chance to reload. Reloading manuals provide the basic load data(recipes) required for most of the common metallic cartridges. No manual will have the load data available for all loads and components. Once you get past the beginning phase of reloading the main purpose of a reloading manual is to check load data. While you can find most load data online a reloading manual is important to second check peoples loads. With some reloading powders there is a very fine line between what is an acceptable charge and whats downright dangerous.

So you never know if the load data given online is at the top or bottom of the suggested weight. With a good reloading manual anyone with time and patience can learn how to reload.

Other Options for Reloading Data Buying one of these reloading manuals is almost a necessity for the beginning reloader. Reloading manuals give you a great introduction to the reloading hobby at a relatively low price. You will learn both how to reload and the necessary components needed for each caliber.

Though I would highly recommend you buy a reloading manual, at the very minimum the beginning reloader should borrow a manual from a friend or rent one from the library. If by some reason you can’t afford a traditional reloading manual there are a few alternative options you can consider.

You can get a load specific reloading manual. These reloading manuals are made for a each specific caliber. For the price I don’t know if I would consider these a great solution. I own a fair collection of these caliber specific loadbooks that I’ve found at my local flea market.

These books offer a decent supplement to the traditional loadbooks but most of them haven’t been updated in a very long time. It’s important to check the load data found in these books with other references. Double checking load data is always a necessary step for reloaders. Another option is to find caliber specific load data is online. A lot of people post load data on forums, but it’s not always a good idea to trust these recommendations. This is another resource that you should definitely double check your sources before trusting the information.

It’s also impossible to determine how high the powder charge is with these posters. If someone recommends a maximum or minimum load you can quickly cause squibs or overpressure.

I don’t recommend trusting anonymous posters on forums and you should use this method at your own risk. Many of the powder and bullet manufacturers offer load data on their websites. Not only are these sites an excellent source of component specific information, they are generally safe and lab tested loads. If you are unable to find your specific load in a Reloading manual this should be the first place you look. Which is The Best Reloading Manual If you’re new to reloading you should definitely buy the.

The Lyman Reloading manual is going to offer the beginning reloader a good foundation to work with. Not only does it offer the fundamental aspects of reloading it gives you the largest variety of load data. If you already own the Lyman reloading manual you should choose whichever reloading manual matches with your most frequently used components. The component specific reloading manuals are definitely excellent supplemental material to the Lyman Reloading manual. If I could only have one reloading manual i would have to be Lymans newest edition.

Lyman seems to have the largest variety of load data available. A lot of this comes down to personal preference since I like to cast my own bullets. Casting bullets is just another fun reloading hobby that’s available. It is difficult to find information on cast bullets and Lyman has the most information available on the subject. Any of these Reloading manuals combined with supplementary information on the internet should give you all the information needed to make good loads.